
BACK TO VRINDAVANA: Srila Prabhupada's final lila


Hari Sauri Prabhu's Back to Vrindavana pulls his readers into Srila Prabhupada's personal association during his final days in Sri Vrindavana-dhama. We are at Srila Prabhupada's bedside, witnesses to the loving pastimes of his last months and the most intimate exchanges with his loyal servant. And Hari Sauri Prabhu subtly draws us into his own heart as it is pierced with separation from his beloved spiritual master. In his Padyavali, Srila Rupa Gosvami wrote of the gopis' letter to Krsna wherein they revealed the pain in their hearts after He left Vrndavana:

"When Krishna read these words they entered His heart like a javelin, causing Him unbearable pain. May that javelin enter your hearts and protect you all."

May Hari Sauri Prabhu's words similarly enter the hearts of the readers, flooding us with loving separation from, and the protection of, our beloved Srila Prabhupada. -Sivaram Swami


Each volume contains over 500 pages. Chapter excerpts do not contain the full chapter, only selected portions in pdf format. To view the chapter excerpts click on the links below each volume title.

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VOLUME ONE: November 1975 - April 1976

Chapter 1
New Delhi and Kuruksetra
November 26th -
December 12, 1975
Chapter 5
Sanand; Bombay
December 25th - 31st, 1975
Chapter 9
Sri Dhama Mayapur
January 17th -
March 21st, 1976
Chapter 2
Sri Vrndavana Dham
December 2nd - 12th, 1975
Chapter 6
January 1st - 2nd, 1976
Chapter 10
Calcutta, New Delhi, Modinagar and Aligarh
March 22nd - 31st, 1976
Chapter 3
New Delhi
December 13th - 15th, 1975
Chapter 7
January 3rd - 8th, 1976
Chapter 11
Sri Vrndavan Dhama
March 31st -
April 18, 1976
Chapter 4
December 16th - 24th, 1975
Chapter 8
Bombay; Calcutta
January 9th - 16th, 1976
Chapter 12
April 11th -
18th, 1976

PDF Ebook $7.95

Kindle Ebook $7.95

Spanish Ebook $7.95

VOLUME TWO: April 1976 - June 1976

Chapter 1
April 19th -
26th, 1976
Chapter 4
May 3rd - June 1st, 1976
Chapter 7
June 16th -
21st, 1976
Chapter 2
April 26th -
28th, 1976
Chapter 5
Los Angeles
June 1st -
11th, 1976
Chapter 3
April 28th - May 3rd, 1976
Chapter 6
June 11th -
16th, 1976

PDF Ebook $7.95
Kindle Ebook $7.95


VOLUME THREE: June 1976 - August 1976

Chapter 1
New Vrindavan
June 21st - July 2nd, 1976
Chapter 4
July 21st -
28th, 1976
Chapter 2
Washington, D.C.
July 2nd -
9th, 1976
Chapter 5
Paris and New Mayapur
July 28th - August 7th, 1976
Chapter 3
New York
July 9th -
20th, 1976

PDF Ebook $7.95

Kindle Ebook $7.95

VOLUME FOUR: August 1976 - October 1976

Chapter 1
Teheran, Iran
August 7th -
13th, 1976
Chapter 4
New Delhi
August 25th - September 3rd, 1976
Chapter 2
August 13th -
16th, 1976
Chapter 5
Sri Vrndavan-dhama
September 3rd - October 8th, 1976
Chapter 3
August 16th -
25th, 1976

PDF Ebook $7.95

Kindle Ebook $7.95

VOLUME FIVE: October 1976 - November 1976

Chapter 1
October 9th -
10th, 1976
Chapter 4
New Delhi
August 25th - September 3rd, 1976
Chapter 2
Delhi and Chandigarh
October 11th -
19th, 1976
Chapter 5
Sri Vrndavan-dhama
September 3rd - October 8th, 1976
Chapter 3
Sri Vrndavana-dham
October 20th - December 1st, 1976

PDF Ebook $7.95

Kindle Ebook $7.95












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