August 18 – 10:30 PM

That’s it, the last program here Skopje. Actually, not just the last program here, but the last program of my summer tour.

goodbye all you angels!

“Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.”

 (Romeo and Juliet- Will Shakespeare)

 I set out on May 5th from Mayapur, visited 20 temples and delivered approx. 132 hrs.  of Prabhupada-katha. I guess that’s why I have pharyngitis.

 sore throat

I have made a lot of new friends, and I hope I have given as much as I have got. 

Skopje has been a really pleasant visit. When the devotees are enthusiastic to hear, the visit goes fast. If they are responsive the whole exchange is great. I have certainly received a lot of love and affection from the devotees here, and Skopje is definitely on my ‘must visit again’ list.

 We had a group shot at the end:

Skopje yatra

and we took a couple of shots of the gorgeous Nitai Gaurasundara Deities:

 Nitai Gaurasundara

 Their Lordships are so beautiful that I was convinced They must have been made in Bengal. But Vaideha prabhu informed me tonight that They were actually made by a devotee from Serbia, from marble dust and resin.  They are truly beautiful:



and here’s a darshan of their beautiful Prahlada-Nrsimhadeva:

Prahlada Nrsimhadeva

Ok, its nearly 11:00 PM and I am just being called for fresh hot parathas before I take rest.

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