This entry was posted on Tuesday, August 19th, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
August 18 – 10:30 PM
That’s it, the last program here Skopje. Actually, not just the last program here, but the last program of my summer tour.
“Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.”
(Romeo and Juliet- Will Shakespeare)
I set out on May 5th from Mayapur, visited 20 temples and delivered approx. 132 hrs. of Prabhupada-katha. I guess that’s why I have pharyngitis.
I have made a lot of new friends, and I hope I have given as much as I have got.
Skopje has been a really pleasant visit. When the devotees are enthusiastic to hear, the visit goes fast. If they are responsive the whole exchange is great. I have certainly received a lot of love and affection from the devotees here, and Skopje is definitely on my ‘must visit again’ list.
We had a group shot at the end:
and we took a couple of shots of the gorgeous Nitai Gaurasundara Deities:
Their Lordships are so beautiful that I was convinced They must have been made in Bengal. But Vaideha prabhu informed me tonight that They were actually made by a devotee from Serbia, from marble dust and resin. They are truly beautiful:
and here’s a darshan of their beautiful Prahlada-Nrsimhadeva:
Ok, its nearly 11:00 PM and I am just being called for fresh hot parathas before I take rest.
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